Classic Debate Camp
Miami University, Ohio - July 12-20, 2025
Classic Debate Camp at Miami University
Covid Safety Plan - Updated June 15, 2023
Our highest priority continues to be protecting the health and safety of our campers and staff members. Please keep in mind that as circumstances develop, further changes to our Covid Safety Plan may become necessary, and we will do our best to inform everyone as soon as possible.
SINGLE DORM ROOMS: Each camper will be housed in a single dorm room without a roommate. In order to keep their dorm rooms clean and safe, students will not be permitted to enter each other’s dorm rooms at any time. Instead, they can meet in the common areas of the dormitory as well as outside.
NURSE: There will be a camp nurse on duty every morning and every evening and on call throughout the time of camp.
ILLNESS AT CAMP: If a camper develops one or more of the following symptoms - headache, nausea/vomiting, fatigue, or muscle aches, fever (100.0 degrees or higher), chills, diarrhea, sore throat, new onset cough, chest pain, difficulty breathing, loss of taste, loss of smell, new onset worsening of nasal congestions not associated with a known allergy - during the camp, the camper will be subject to temporary quarantine and given a rapid Covid test. He/she may return to camp activities if the Covid test is negative. If the Covid test is positive, the camper will need to be picked-up as soon as possible by the camper’s parent(s). To protect the health of other campers and staff members, campers who test positive at any point during camp will not be permitted to return to camp even if they test negative before the end of camp.
VACCINATION: All camp instructors and administrators will be fully vaccinated and boosted prior to the start of camp. All campers are encouraged to be fully vaccinated and boosted prior to the start of camp.
TESTING: Campers are encouraged to do an at-home rapid Covid test before departing for camp, especially if they are coming to camp from a great distance. Students who develop any Covid symptoms during camp will be given a rapid Covid test at camp.
MASKS: Campers and staff members who wish to wear masks are welcome and encouraged to do so. Campers and staff members will NOT be required to wear masks during camp.
QUARANTINES: Campers who test positive for Covid-19 during the time of camp will be quarantined in their dorm rooms until they are picked up by their parents.
CLEANING AND DISINFECTING: Miami University Physical Facilities Department will thoroughly clean and disinfect all dorm rooms prior to the start of camp. Miami University Physical Facilities Department will clean and disinfect all bathrooms in the dormitory daily.
If you have any concerns or questions, you are invited to share them with Camp Director Peter Paik through the camp email address classicdebatecamp@gmail.com.