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Classic Debate Camp
Miami University, Ohio - July 12-20, 2025
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CDC Reunion at Parker School in Hawaii!
In August 2024, Classic Debate Camp Director Peter Paik, along with PF Instructor Abraham Paik and LD Instructor Isaiah Paik, traveled to the Big Island of Hawaii for a family vacation. While there, they spent an afternoon visiting the debate team of Parker School in Waimea.
In July 2021, the Parker team sent its first debater all the way from Hawaii to Ohio to attend Classic Debate Camp. She was Genevieve Savage. Genevieve was a returning camper in 2022, and then she became an LD instructor in 2023. In 2024, Genevieve was promoted to senior instructor in LD Lab 2.
In 2023, Parker sent 6 debaters to CDC, including co-captains Noah Nikolai and Laynie Henderson. In 2024, Parker sent 10 debaters to CDC - more students than any other school. They were Georgia Kasameyer (2nd year camper), Oscar Amos, Michael Breeze, BJ Daoust, Lance Harmeling, Ava Harris, Siena Long, Angela McDonald, Selah Vigil, and Takumi Wetherell.
It was so much fun to receive a tour of the Parker School campus and to catch up with many Parker debaters during our reunion. Best of luck to the Parker team in the 2024-2025 season!
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